acequia rehabilitation
ACEQUIA DE LA MURALLA DIVERSION DAM REHABILITATION, SANTA FE COUNTY, NM: Contractor: San Isidro Permaculture, Inc. Contract Amount: $110,870.90 Project Completion Date: January 3, 2020 The work consisted of furnishing and installing rock boulders and geotextile fabric to construct three (3) two-step rock cross vane structures, with two 18” diameter canal gates and a steel irrigation heading structure with 18” diameter pipe.
SAN AUGUSTINE COMMUNITY DITCH PIPELINE, SAN MIGUEL COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Sanchez Demolition, Inc. Contract Amount: $166,666.67 Project Completion Date: April 9, 2019 The work consisted of furnishing and installing approximately 1,499 feet of 24 inch diameter HDPE pipe with fittings and end section, and five 18” turnout gate assemblies including 18” HDPE pipe and fittings, reinforced concrete gate structure, canal gate and rip rap.
ACEQUIA DE RAINSVILLE NORTE FLUME REHABILITATION, SAN MIGUEL COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Barney & Son Excavating Co. Contract Amount: $90,684.37 Project Completion Date: March 22, 2019 The work for the flume project included the removal and stockpiling of an existing flume structure pipe, the excavation and placement of compacted backfill, the furnishing and installation of a 30-inch diameter CMP pipe and flared end section, a 30-inch HDPE pipe and 30-inch steel pipe, the fabrication and erection of metal pipe support structures, place reinforced concrete foundation and retaining wall.
ACEQUIA MESA DEL MEDIO, PHASE I, COMPUERTA REHABILITATION, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Sichler Construction LLC Contract Amount: $269,871.00 Project Completion Date: April 26, 2018 The work consisted of the fabrication, excavation, installation, and backfill for twenty-six (26) new single lateral gate compuerta structures, four (4) new double lateral gate compuerta structures, including thirty (30) 32” x 26” stop gates, thirty-four (34) 18 in diameter slide gates, one hundred seventy (170) linear feet of 18 in diameter pipe, and two hundred ten (210) cubic yards of rip-rap ditch stabilization. Installation of single lateral gate compuerta structures #3, #26, & #33, including ancillary rip-rap ditch stabilization, is not included in this Contract. The work also included installation of 100 linear feet of 30 in. diameter HDPE irrigation pipe, 54 linear feet of 30 in. diameter Corrugated Metal Pipe, with fittings and end sections, concrete end walls, and a 48 in. diameter Corrugated Metal Pipe manhole structure. The 30 in. diameter Corrugated Metal Pipe, fittings, and end sections to be Owner-furnished, all other materials shall be furnished by Contractor.
ACEQUIA DEL LLANO ARROYO CROSSING STABILIZATION, SANTA FE COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Roybal Constructors Contract Amount: $26,899.80 Project Completion Date: February 26, 2018 The work consisted of the excavation and grading, placement of geotextile fabric, placement of gabion baskets and filling baskets with rock and placement of concrete cap on gabion baskets.
ARCHIBEQUE DITCH, PHASE I, DIVERSION STRUCTURE REHABILITATION AND PIPELINE, SANDOVAL COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Sichler Construction LLC Contract Amount: $414,087.06 Project Completion Date: February 02, 2018 The work consisted of the excavation and removal of vegetation for the rehabilitation of the diversion structure including the installation of a boulder cross vane on the Rio Puerco, a new steel irrigation heading structure with 18” diameter headgates. The restoration of the project area shall include final grading to the specified elevations and side slopes, and willow livestake plantings along the riparian zone. The Pipeline Project includes excavation and backfill for the installation of 5,863 linear feet of PVC pipe, with gate valves, alfalfa valves, vents and fittings and riprap armor of ditch bed and banks at end of pipeline.
LOWER CAÑONES COMMUNITY DITCH DIVERSION STRUCTURE, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Barney & Son Excavating Contract Amount: $105,062.25 Project Completion Date: February 26, 2016. The work consisted of the stabilization and rehabilitation of the existing in-stream irrigation diversion dam structure using natural channel design principles. A series of three (3) two-step cross vane structures were constructed, providing reliable water to the Lower Cañones Community Ditch while also reducing maintenance requirements and improving long-term channel stability.
ENSEÑADA ACEQUIA PIPELINE, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Century Club Construction Contract Amount: $59,999.00 Project Completion Date: May 04, 2015 The work consisted of clearing and grubbing, the preparation of subgrade, and the placement of approximately 537 ft. of 36" High Density Polyethylene Pipe and fittings, backfill.
TALPA RESERVOIR DITCH DIVERSION STRUCTURE REHABILITATION, TAOS COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Barney & Son Excavating Contract Amount: $99,228.90 Project Completion Date: November 17, 2014 The work consisted of the rehabilitation of the existing diversion structure by the installation of boulder step pool structures, a grade control structure, and rock walls. A new irrigation heading structure and 24" dia. headgates were fabricated from steel. Restoration of the project area included seeding and stabilization of disturbed areas with erosion control blanket, and willow livestake plantings along the river banks.
ACEQUIA DE LA CIEÑEGA PIPELINE, SANTA FE COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Desert Utility & Paving, LLC Contract Amount: $87,276.40 Project Completion Date: April 29, 2013 The work consisted of the excavation of a trench, placement of up to 1,560 ft. of 12" PVC pipe including related fittings and valves, backfill, replacement of pavement and testing of the installed pipeline.
ACEQUIA DE LA CAÑADA ANCHA FLUME, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Allied 360 Construction Contract Amount: $36,658.30 Project Completion Date: April 24, 2013 The work consisted of the removal of a 36" CMP siphon and concrete intake and outfall structures. Work included the construction of an arroyo crossing consisting of 45 feet of 36" CMP, 54 ft. of 36" steel pipe, reinforced concrete abutments, intake and outfall structures.
RIO BRAZOS ACEQUIA WATER CONTROL, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contrator: CJ Mead Construction Co., Inc. Contract Amount: $109,705.36 Project Completion Date: August 7, 2013 The work consisted of the clearing and grubbing, erosion and sediment control, construction of a reinforced concrete irrigation heading structure, gate installation, CMP and metal work, placement of compacted earthfill, water control and distribution during construction and site restoration.
ABEYTA-TRUJILLO ACEQUIA IMPROVEMENT, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Blueline Construction Contract Amount: $112,885.75 Project Completion Date: April 20, 2012 The work consisted of the clearing and grubbing, preparation of subgrade, and placement of approximately 1,245 ft of 36” of Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe including pipe intake, sluice, and outfall structures.
EL BARRANCO COMMUNITY DITCH PIPELINE, RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, NM: Contractor: Randy Sena Construction, Inc. Contract Amount: $29,342.52 Project Completion Date: February 17, 2012 The work consisted of the excavation and placement of approximately 847 ft of 12” SDR 51 PVC Pipe, backfill, and site restoration.
CS CANAL IMPROVEMENTS, COLFAX COUNTY, NM: Contractor: R. Minnix Construction, Inc. Contract Amount: $125,626.00 Project Completion Date: April 18, 2012 The work consisted of the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation, tools, supplies, equipment, and appurtenaces necessary to control surface and ground water to rehabilitate the CS canal heading, excavate and remove sediment from river channel, excavate earth and placement of backfill, demolish and remove existing turnouts, install corrugated pipe, install reinforced concrete wier, furnish and install water control gates and installation of rip rap.